To totally embarrass myself and humiliate myself publicly, I decided to check out my "Top 25" most-played songs currently on my MP3 shuffle and share them with the entire world. And... since I only include songs in my MP3 shuffle that I really love, I'm thinking that for a straight guy, this would be pretty incriminating evidence that I may need my "Man Card" revoked

Yes. The song that baby Pebbles & Bamm-Bamm sang on that FLINTSTONES episode where Fred had an extended dream where the babies became rock sensations.

24. Music Box Dancer - Frank Mills
I have no excuse. It's just pretty piano girly crap and I love it.
I'm not particularly a fan of Cyndi Lauper, but heaven help me I love this song. I love this song so much I have it in my shuffle from Lauper, from Celene Dion, and from Roy Orbison. I don't know why I love it, but I do. It's actually kind of a creeper song when you pay attention to the words about some guy driving all night and creeping into her room. *shudder*
Haunting melody. It's hypnotic. This one's not embarrassing. The Junkies are street-cred. But are they enough to save my "Man Card"???
Saints preserve me but this is one of those songs I never get tired of and my foot must tap and I must sing along. I don't care if he's just doing a vocal impression of Neil Diamond in his's an awesome song that's also awesomely uncool.
20. If Not for You - Olivia Newton-John
*Runs and hides*
No excuses for this one. Easily one of the ass-kicking-est rock songs of the '70s from one-hit wonders, Head East. Proud to pump this one up in an effort to save my "Man Card"!
Uh-oh. Let's pretend you didn't read that.
LOOK! Over there! *ducks and runs away*
16. Door Into Summer - The Monkees
The Monkees are cool and this song is particularly one of my favorites. Written and sung by Mike Nesmith, I have no problems with this one at all. Check this awesome opening line: "With his 'Fool's Gold" stacked up all around him from a killing in the market on the war. The children left King Midas there as they found him in a counting house where nothing counts but more." That's all kinds of awesome.'s a cool song. So there.
14. My Life Would Suck Without You - Kelly Clarkson
You only judge me because you can't sing along with every word like I can!!!! Don't you judge me! It's Gwen Stefani!!!
12. Mr. Blue Sky - ELO
Another winner! This is the best song of the '80s!!! That should get me double-cred....unless you disagree with my assessment there...
Maybe second to "Last Train to Clarksville" as the best Monkees song, so this one is manly enough, right?
You know. Piling on just does not become you. Does it really matter that I sing the girl's part in a falsetto???? Well....I sing the baritone guy's part too!!!!
8. Somewhere Over the Rainbow - Israel Kamikawiwo'le
Fattest man ever sings the sweetest arrangement of a song ever with just he and his ukelele and it touches my heart. Blame Spike Lee for this one, not me!
7. Pokerface - Lady Gaga
It's Lady Gaga.......yeah....I got nothin'. Even sadder is that I have 2 other Lady Gaga songs in rotation!
6. Hot Child In the City - Nick Gilder
Okay. When I was a kid, I thought this was a girl singing. But as unmanly as it is to still like it in 2011, this was a huge hit back in the day! Don't you judge me! Musical tastes are complicated!
Blame Elmo. That's all I gotta say. Blame Elmo. It's his fault...and those bouncy funbags in the Elmo & Katy music video that got banned from Sesame Street! Now that I think about it, this should be a plus mark on the "Man Card" side...except that I sing along in a falsetto....
No. Not the "Theme to 'Rocky' (Gonna Fly Now)". That sucks. This is that brutally awful song about a guy and girl who fall in love, get married, have a baby, and when they baby girl turns 1 year-old, they find out the mama "didn't have long to live." It's a horrible song with an upbeat, happy-clappy, Scooby-Doo-chase song-style music and beat. It is a walking oxymoron of a song and it's impossible to not sing-along with it...even though it's the most depressing happy-sounding song since "Billy Don't Be a Hero."
The ultimate "country" song and impossible to not sing along with....and it made me tear up the first few hundred times I listened to it. Oops. Should not have admitted that.
2. Come What May - Ewan McGregor & Nicole Kidman
This is what I consider the most romantic song in my shuffle. It's the private song of their hearts from the movie MOULIN ROUGE...and it is incredibly unmanly that I love it so.
I can't help it. Her voice is just so damned pretty and the melody is just so sweet and the words are heart-tugging. It's like a wooden cross through the heart of my vampire/man-hood isn't it?
I have no more excuses.

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